Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 1:54 . . .
Imagine for the next 39 seconds that you’re running your business and that it’s headquartered in Baton Rouge, LA. Your people are walking into work on Monday morning, July 18, 2016, the day after an ambush that has killed 3 policemen and wounded 3 others, this following a police shooting in Baton Rouge on July 5 and the Dallas ambush that killed 5 cops and wounded another 7. How productive do you think your people will be today? They are looking to you for leadership, so what do you think they need from you?
That is the only question on this quiz and I assure you that you will be penalized for wrong answers.
The Towers-Watson organization does an employee engagement survey every year and they consistently find that the most powerful employee engagement driver is knowing that the leader cares about his/her people. It isn’t the only driver, just the most powerful. And on this Monday morning, they really need that message. How will you show (not tell) that you care? Here are some ideas to prime your pump:
- Get your people together and ask how they are doing in the wake of these terrible events?
- Ask what your people need right now. Make room for everyone who wants to speak.
- Listen with your full attention (level 5 listening – fully present, right here, right now).
You get the idea: It’s all about them. And while you’re naming the elephants in the room, try providing some clarity about what’s most important at your shop – your company Why. Because making a difference for others will make all the difference.
Want more? Download and read The Core of Great Leadership from the Relentless Leaders section of the Fully Alive Leadership site.
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