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FLASH Announcement . . .
Grand Rapids, MI, WOOD Radio, 1300AM . . . Host George Satula of TEC-Midwest interviews Fully Alive Leadership’s Jack Altschuler on Sunday, November 6 at 11:00AM . . .
George and I had a lively discussion about engagement, the biggest challenge business leaders are facing today. We talked about what drives engagement and what leaders can do to influence their people to step up their game – indeed, to give their A-Game. That’s the focus of my book ENGAGEMENT: How Great Leaders Ignite A-Game Performance. You’ll want to get a refresher (or a “fresher” if this is your first exposure to Fully Alive Leadership) for your leadership and this is an easy way to do that.
If you’re within earshot of 50,000 watt WOOD Radio, 1300AM, at 11:00AM on Sunday, November 6, tune in for the big event.
You can also listen to the discussion by live-streaming – click here. And you can listen to the simulcast on iHeart Radio.
If you want to be able to time shift or listen more than once and even share the information with colleagues and direct reports, just go to the TEC-Midwest podcast page and download the interview after November 2, 2016.
A bazillion thanks go to George Satula of TEC-Midwest and the production staff at WOOD Radio!
Invite Jack to Speak!
Whether it's a keynote presentation for your annual meeting or the industry convention, or the workshop for your leadership team, Jack delivers actionable content that goes down easy and delivers great value. Check into the possitilities here.