Reading time: 27 seconds
Are you leaving tracks?
When you’re out of the office for that key opportunity, do your people have the clarity to perform at the top of their game? It’s your job as the leader to ensure that they do and that’s especially important right now.
That’s “right now”, as in “this instant.”
There is so much uncertainly that tries to undermine the confidence of those who look to you for leadership that it’s a wonder that they function at all. Nothing is as it used to be and it never will be that way again. That loss of feeling solid in the world is what tears at the fabric of our A-Game, yet it’s in your power to overcome that and put the tools in place so that your people can give their best.
What’s the fire in your belly? That blaze is what inspires those around you and it’s what will give them what they need to perform when you’re not present.
Want people to give their A-Game all the time? Tell them about that fire in your belly – your True North.That’s what will leave tracks they can follow.
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