Author Archives Jack Altschuler
What’s The Next Best Thing to Great Leadership? -Mar 30, 2022
Reading time: 35 seconds Answer: There is no next best thing. Nobody in your shop signed up for a disinterested boss or for squishy, uninspiring leadership. Sure, some may have given up and are going through the motions with only enough effort to draw a paycheck, but it’s unlikely that’s Read MoreHybrid -Jan 05, 2022
With the recurring nightmare of the cold weather ramp up of COVID-19 infections, it’s clear that we are going to continue to ping-pong between in-person and remote everything. In addition, over the past 18 months (and less intensively for years before that), we have taught ourselves that office work can Read MoreWalkouts and Resignations -Nov 02, 2021
What’s With The Walkouts and Resignations? You see it in the news and perhaps in your own shop. 4.3 million American workers quit their jobs in August alone. Workers are making a statement with their feet and you may be wondering why they’re doing that. Here’s a stab at a Read MoreTake This Job -Sep 21, 2021
Johnny Paycheck was perhaps most famous for his 1977 recording of the tenderly entitled song, Take This Job and Shove It. In it we hear the plaintive cry of a man feeling under-appreciated and poorly treated by his boss. In times of job scarcity most people feeling that way won’t Read MoreTwo Opportunities For Our Time -Mar 30, 2021
You know that things have changed and they keep on changing and nobody was provided a manual for leading with all this going on. That’s the environment that leaders find themselves in right now. All this change and uncertainty has impacted the speaking business, too. I’ve revamped my programs specifically Read MoreThe Blank Pages -Mar 02, 2021
If you’ve gazed down the road you likely noticed that the landscape looks different and specifics just aren’t too clear. Given that huge “I don’t know” factor, what are you doing right now to prepare for the coming unknown? Welcome to the post-Covid future. This is covered in the blank Read MoreResources Through the Noise -Jan 18, 2021
Reading time – 31 seconds . . . The world – and likely your world – is awash in information. That makes it difficult to wade through the noise to find what’s useful to you. That’s just one reason why it’s important that we share the good stuff we find. Read More

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