Reading time – 29 seconds . . .
Calvin and Hobbes was/is a favorite, both for the wit that Bill Watterson brought to us regularly, as well as the wisdom, much of which speaks to the issues facing leaders, like learning, growing and dealing with change. To those points, I direct you to the May 17, 1992 adventure. You can see it in its color original here and read the dialogue below:
Calvin: It’s true, Hobbes. Ignorance is bliss.
C: Once you know things, you start seeing problems everywhere . . . and once you see problems, you feel like you ought to try to fix them . . . and fixing problems always seems to require personal change . . . and changes means doing things that aren’t fun! I say phooey to that!
C: But if you’re willfully stupid, you don’t know any better, so you can keep doing whatever you like!
C: The secret to happiness is short-term, stupid self-interest.
Hobbes: We’re heading for that cliff!
C: I don’t want to know about it.
H: I’m not sure I can stand so much bliss.
C: Careful! We don’t want to learn anything from this.
Of course, you’d never willfully go off a cliff, but your world of leadership demands that you abandon all traces of “I don’t want to know about it” and treat everything as a learning opportunity.
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