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What People Are Saying

Here just a few of the lovely testimonials from our clients:

How About 10Fold Better!

Praise From Napoleon SecureIT Tactical Knows Safe Choices Magliner Plan for Better Strategic Facilitation with Dataquest Integrys Leadership Development


At the completion of each Fully Alive Leadership© workshop and keynote, attendees always come to Jack with comments about what our session has meant to them.  Here’s a collection of a few of these heartfelt comments from our wonderful attendees in their words – some are in video, too.  Just click more beneath any entry for their comments.  They will give you an idea of the take-home value of Fully Alive Leadership© keynotes and workshops.

And when it’s time to create full engagement – to influence others to give their A-game – just contact us and we’ll explore the possibilities together.

Jamie Gonce, Director, Summer & Immersion Programs

“Jack was emotive – great self-study for us individually and collectively as a company.  Great [movie] clips, word choice, etc. “[T...


Terry Scovill, CEO, IntraCare Hospitals

“Excellent!  The information is not all new, but the package and presentation are both excellent reminders and calls to action.  I feel bolder...


Dan Verbanec, CEO, Integrys Energy Services

“Fully Alive Leadership” supports our on-going leadership development. Any organization will have leaders at all levels of their development; fr...


Mandy Cavanaugh, CEO, Team Housing Solutions, Inc.

“Jack’s content is, molecule - by - molecule, relevant to every single leader on the planet and provides a counter-balance to the ways of being ...


Chris Voight, Blanning and Baker Associates, Inc.

"Do yourself a favor: Let Jack's concepts begin improving your approach to business and life. [The] power of positive thinking and action will result ...


Jon Jennings, Vistage Group Chair

“My group was privileged to have Jack Altschuler as our speaker last week. The best speaker we have had on leadership yet. If you have not heard Jac...


Chuck Clifford, COO, Innovative Print & Media Group, Inc.

“Jack’s workshop hit on many key issues that I believe are vital to be an influential leader. More importantly, things that are required t...


Tiffany Frash, Sales & Marketing Manager, Unity Seeds, LLC

“Passion is such an essential element of leadership. Jack’s presentation is driven by his passion.  As a result, I’m leaving fully ...


Dan Goldstein, President, Page1Solutions

“Awesome leadership presentation.  Great takeaways that I will begin to use today. I believe this will significantly improve our results. ̶...


Don Rosemann, President, Rosemann & Associates, P.C.

“In more than 5 years of Vistage speakers, Jack touched me in real ways to move me forward to be a better leader.”   Don Rosemann, Pr...
