Reading time – 29 seconds . . .
Hi. My name is Jack and I’m a behavior geek.
There. I said it. Out loud.
The truth is that I am ever-fascinated by the things we human beings do. The productive stuff and the counter-productive stuff. The reactionary stuff and the occasionally brilliant stuff. And I’m fascinated by how the way we show up, the things we say and do, spark performance in others.
I’ve been intentionally focused on this for at least 35 years. Somewhere during that time I recognized certain very powerful patterns in the leader-follower dynamic. That led to the Fully Alive Leadership keynotes, workshops and the facilitation I have been privileged to deliver to thousands of attendees over the past ten-plus years. During that time I have been asked repeatedly if I had a companion book about this material and always had it in mind to write one to further make a difference for others.
And it’s done! ENGAGEMENT: How Great Leaders Ignite A-Game Performance is published. It’s out. It’s available. And I hope that it really makes a difference for you. You can find it on Amazon now and next week on the iTunes bookstore and Barnes & Noble site. Bulk copies for your team are available at a crazy discount. Contact me for that. The e-book will be available within two weeks. Can an audio book be far behind?
Invite Jack to Speak!
Whether it's a keynote presentation for your annual meeting or the industry convention, or the workshop for your leadership team, Jack delivers actionable content that goes down easy and delivers great value. Check into the possitilities here.