Reading time – 23 seconds . . .
Yes, I really had something special for you. Really insightful stuff that can rock your leadership world. And it will just have to wait for another day.

Bob Parsons Harley Davidson Dealership
My pal John Howman, TEC group chairman extraordinaire and crafty strategic consultant in Wisconsin, publishes a blog. His most recent piece is so astonishingly good that I simply have to drop everything and point you to it. Go. Read John’s story about Bob Parsons. Link through to the 16 Rules.
Here’s my bet: You will connect so powerfully with this narrative and with Bob Parsons’ Rules that you will simply have to make things better. This is truly compelling stuff.
So, stop reading this now, click through and be amazed.
Then go rock your leadership world.
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Whether it's a keynote presentation for your annual meeting or the industry convention, or the workshop for your leadership team, Jack delivers actionable content that goes down easy and delivers great value. Check into the possitilities here.