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Of course you’re focused on the bottom line. And there really is more to leadership and performance and a new study by Baylor University lays it out for us.
What they found is what you know if you’ve attended one of my keynotes or workshops: The leader-follower relationship is key to top performance. If a leader has High BLM – “Bottom Line Mentality” – employees perceive a low quality relationship and they respond by withholding performance. They refuse to give their best and overall company performance suffers. Actually, everyone suffers, because working in an environment like that just isn’t fun.
Interestingly, the study found that even if High Bottom Line Mentality leaders are matched with High BLM employees, performance still suffers.
The simple explanation is that we are human beings first and are driven primarily by our humanness. Focus on the bottom line is further down on the list of what drives us.
So, keep appropriate focus on the bottom line. And while you’re doing that, keep your focus on your people, because the’re human beings and they want to be treated that way.
Many thanks to A.R. for referencing the study.
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