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Mar 30, 2021 | Post by: Jack Altschuler No Comments

Two Opportunities For Our Time

You know that things have changed and they keep on changing and nobody was provided a manual for leading with all this going on. That’s the environment that leaders find themselves in right now.

All this change and uncertainty has impacted the speaking business, too. I’ve revamped my programs specifically to help leaders deal with our complicated new circumstances. Plus, I’ve built a studio in order to deliver first class virtual programs. And there is another change.

There are far fewer keynotes being delivered to conventions, for example, because nobody is holding large, in-person meetings. That leaves us with both the capacity and the desire to serve, to make a difference for others. I have a couple of ideas for what to do with that.

First, that “thinking out of the box” thing requires, by definition, new thinking. To that end, one of the ways I can contribute is by being a “thinking partner.” I often do that, but this is an offer to expand that to more people. If you or a friend is running a small to mid-size business, let’s talk. There is no charge and no sales pitch.

Second, I’ve committed to present leadership and motivational programs at no charge, no strings attached, to a limited number of not-for-profits for the sole purpose of making a difference for them. These are places that typically can’t afford leadership training but often need it, so I’m prepared to pitch in.

Who can you think of where a message of leadership and motivation in these uncertain times will be most helpful? Please give it some thought. Let’s talk and start something good. Call or email at your convenience.

Invite Jack to Speak!

Whether it's a keynote presentation for your annual meeting or the industry convention, or the workshop for your leadership team, Jack delivers actionable content that goes down easy and delivers great value. Check into the possitilities here.


Copyright 2024 by Jack Altschuler and Fully Alive Leadership. All rights reserved. Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

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