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We’ve all worked with people who made everything about themselves and always had to “win”. That included making sure that others lose, regardless of the consequences for everyone else. These people are a polarizing force that blocks teamwork and ensures sub-optimal results. The only good news about such people is that they tend to flame out rather quickly. Unfortunately, that usually does not happen on the time schedule most of us would like.
Just get that if you remove the extremists, everything gets better for everyone else. That is the job of the leader.
For example, sometimes a top performing sales person creates havoc every time s/he enters the office. It is easy for the leader to tolerate that behavior because of the troublemaker’s sales productivity. And it is a huge mistake. Studies have shown that a key motivator – especially for your best people – is to work with people they like and respect. That they don’t respect the troublemaker means that your people are being de-motivated and likely aren’t at their best. That gets in your way and, indeed, in everyone’s way of achieving top results.
Are you a leader? Everyone else is counting on you to do the right thing to ensure that everyone wins.
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