The Three Principles of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement has been the buzz for several years, especially in HR circles. It’s all about the level of discretionary effort employees are giving and the statistics are dreadfully poor. Only about 18% are giving their best, while about 20% are “actively disengaged.” That means that they are doing just enough to avoid being fired or, worse, they are causing discontent among your other employees.
The remainder are somewhere in the middle of the bell curve and it’s staggering what it costs to let them languish there. In a 2005 study by the Corporate Executive Board they found that, “Engaged employees are 20% more productive than average employees.” Translated into business results, that means that if you could get one of your average reports to shift to being fully engaged, you would get
a 20% increase in productivity at absolutely no increase in labor cost!
All you have to do is be the leader who inspires your people to want to give their best. Showing you how to do that is what The Three Principles of Employee Engagement is all about.
You see, all leadership boils down to just one thing: Influencing others to change their behavior, to give their best. It’s about full engagement of those who look to you for leadership. The trick is in making that happen.
The Three Principles of Employee Engagement are what you must do in order to get your people fully engaged and create the success you want.
Value to attendees:
- Clarity about The Three Principles of Employee Engagement that will inspire people to want to give their best
- A no-nonsense approach to driving up productivity and driving down costs
- Action steps to take back and put to work immediately