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Feb 09, 2016 | Post by: regangossett 1 Comments

Millenials – 2

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They aren’t going to stay forever, so just get over it.

Our Millennials are the best educated generation ever. They’re smart and they pay attention to what’s happening. They’ve seen the poor loyalty shown to older generations by employers, so our Millennials are doing exactly what you would do: they are refusing to commit themselves to a long term relationship with any employer. Instead, they focus on their own advancement. For that, they have been called narcissistic, which I think is a useless and foolish label. Once again, if your expectation were that your employer was solely for him/herself, then you’d likely abandon loyalty there and be for yourself, too.

All of which means that your new hires don’t expect to stay with you forever. What will you do about that?

In a stunning article in Forbes online, Cliff Oxford recommends training your people to exit your company. Yes, I know that sounds counter-productive, but the fact is that they will join your company, learn and grow and then leave for greener pastures. If you help them along their way, you will be demonstrating that you care about them and they will self-select to dig in and give you their best. And that is how all the good stuff happens for everyone.

Fully Alive Leadership Practice #7 speaks to that: Deal with reality, not a story about reality that you may be telling yourself. And the reality is that your Millennials will leave. Get in front of it by demonstrating that you care about them and their professional development by helping them along their way. They’ll repay you tenfold.

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