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During the Q & A sessions following my keynote presentations and workshops one of the frequently asked questions sounds like this:
“What you’ve taught us is great, but I have several layers of leaders and I can’t possibly go one-on-one with all of them. How can I enroll the people who aren’t my direct reports?”
I can think of two answers, but first let’s be clear how critical it is to drive up the quality of leadership at all levels of your organization. Absent that, the hands-on folks will be looking for solid leadership but may not find it. That causes sub-optimal results, so this is an important question. Here are my answers.
First, be a great leader. That is to say, you always lead by example because followers are always watching, so lead intentionally.
Employ the 10 Fully Alive Leadership Practices (here’s a review). As you do, overtly teach your direct reports about them and guide them to use the Practices with their own direct reports. That’s the beginning of cascading great leadership throughout your organization. Tell your direct reports, “Tag, you’re it!”
The second answer to the question is to bring me into your shop to teach your people via a keynote or workshop. I’m glad to support you any time.
Invite Jack to Speak!
Whether it's a keynote presentation for your annual meeting or the industry convention, or the workshop for your leadership team, Jack delivers actionable content that goes down easy and delivers great value. Check into the possitilities here.