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Question: Is sales excellence a leadership issue? I don’t mean leading a sales team; I mean the actual sales meeting with a prospective new customer.
Answer: It certainly is.
The world is full of sales people with great technical knowledge of their products and services – you might call them “gear heads”. But let’s be clear: having product knowledge and technical expertise is just the ante to get into the game. It doesn’t set you apart from the competition or even connote value, because it’s just a feature.
Furthermore, no company has ever purchased from another company. It is human beings who buy from other human beings, and that’s the main point. If you’re to excel at sales, you must excel at interpersonal relationships, because it’s people who do the buying.
The key is that the interpersonal dynamic is critical both to leadership and to sales and in exactly the same ways. It’s all about influence, and that’s all about people.
And that’s why our program is called Sales Engagement.
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