Reading time – 33 seconds . . .
Before I was to be in San Diego to deliver a presentation I received an email from another speaker who was also going to be in town – and would I like to get together with him? One of the joys of speaking is getting to know other professionals, people with great creativity and monstrous communication skills, so we made plans for a late afternoon meet up.
Aaron Linsdau has a most compelling story to tell, in that he is an adventurer on a level that most of us only read about. For example, he is only the second American to ski to the South Pole solo. Ski. South Pole. Solo. See what I mean about a compelling story? More important, as a presenter he has a compelling story for leaders and that became the focus of our conversation.
Sure, it’s interesting that Aaron is a polar explorer, but if you’re in his audience, you want to know how that applies to you and the value you can take from his talk without having to go to the bottom of the globe.
Turns out it works the same way for the people who look to you for leadership. They may be inspired by your story, but they need to know what that means for them – and I’m not talking about money. How does the story – your vision – align with what is important to your people? Where is the scratch for their itch for meaning as human beings? What is the intrinsic (about who they are) motivator in your narrative? I call it your True North.
Tell them – like Aaron does. It will make all the difference.
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