Now and then we come upon someone who is exactly where they should be, doing exactly what they were born to do. They seem to flow and make what they do look easy. And they make a difference.
Bill Sanders is one of those people. He has presented to millions of people, mostly high school students, and has started a movement to make the kind of difference we need.
He was inspired after hearing about the first child killed in the Columbine High School massacre, Rachel Joy Scott, and learning of her remarkable sense of herself and the world. Bill, along with Rachel’s family and other remarkably motivated people, have created Rachel’s Challenge. It is focused on kindness, the sort of kindness and love-in-action spoken of by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Ghandi and others. It is the antidote to the bullying that scars and kills. It is the mindfulness that redirects individuals and even whole societies to something better.
Rachel Scott somehow knew even before she was 16 years old that she would touch millions of hearts. That could easily be ascribed to the idealism of youth, yet something more was at work. It was an ego-free sense of leading us to something better. She did not live long enough to realize her impact. Actually, none of us does.
And so it is for your leadership. We never know the lasting impact we have on others or where our influence stops, so we are called upon to be our best. Always.
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